#oneword2021 Patience

#oneword2021 Patience

2020 showed me the importance of patience, in all realms of life. So much was out of our control last year and we had to just keep pivoting, dealing with issues as they came to pass. I saw teachers stretch themselves to provide in-class as well as online instruction, create weekly homework packages, participate in virtual parent meetings and more, knowing that at the drop of a hat, everything could change again. This is the feeling of being completely out of control and forcing oneself to “go with the flow.”  In 2021, I want to be better at dealing with these uncomfortable circumstances. Some of the best experiences happen because of unforeseen circumstances. Some of our best learning takes place when we have to think on our feet.

Generally speaking, I would like to have more patience with myself, as a professional and as a person. Realizing that anything worthwhile takes time, is essential to mastering a skill. This hard-earned knowledge can eventually be passed onto others, continuing the circle of learning. My CT during practicum 490 is a perfect example. As I watched, I noticed how patient she was with herself, students and colleagues. She was always there to listen and offer constructive advice, and genuinely enjoyed mentoring. I hope to arrive at this place one day, but I know it’s only possible through patience-building.

I can’t wait to become a certified teacher, but I also want to appreciate all the little moments along the way. I know that by being present and resisting the urge to speed up circumstances or situations, I will learn more deeply about the profession and about myself. This is something I hope to sustain in both my professional and personal lives. Good things come to those that wait, it’s true, but I want to focus in on a few specific goals. Striking this balance will be key in 2021.

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