Educators value the involvement and support of parents, guardians, families and communities in schools.
I crafted a letter to send out to students’ parents during practicum, so they had the opportunity to ask questions about my background, ideas and purpose for being in that class. I think it is important to involve parents and guardians wherever possible because multiple supports must work in unison for education to be effective. When I have my own class, I hope to gain the support of parents and be completely transparent about teaching strategies. I think it is crucial for parents to see teachers as whole persons and vice versa; this creates a deeper connection, allowing empathy to develop on both sides. In EDUC 491, I plan to send out a more thorough letter and hopefully meet with parents in person, depending on COVID restrictions in place.
Update March 2021: I crafted a newsletter to send to parents explaining what we were working on in class. You can see this directly below.